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The Foreign Firms Service (TFE)

Published on March 6, 2024

Are you an employer based abroad with no establishment in France, but looking to hire an employee in France? Discover the Foreign Firms Service (TFE).

  • For whom?

    • Employer
  • What situation?

    Your company is based abroad, without an establishment in France, and you wish to hire an employee in France.

    For simplicity, you want to make declarations and pay your mandatory social security contributions in one go.

  • Why use it?

    To simplify your social formalities related to employing workers and to save you time in the administrative management of your staff.

Using the TFE service means

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Your online space

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To access your online space, simply go to the TFE service website.

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Join the TFE service to access your online account and complete all your procedures.

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